本案「臺中文學史委託研究計畫──文史資料蒐集、撰寫及展示」,主要執行內容有三:﹙1﹚臺中文學史料之蒐集、整理﹙2﹚臺中文學史之撰寫、出版﹙3﹚臺中文學館成立後之展示建議。 在臺中文學史料蒐集方面,本團隊蒐集現有相關書籍,訪查各類相關文物手稿,編製「臺中文學史年表」,為後續文學史之撰寫奠定紮實的基礎。研究團隊不僅累積可觀的書面資料,也蒐集到為數甚豐的手稿文物,或取得原件複製掃瞄,或詳實記錄其現藏地,對未來臺中文學館之各類主題展示,提供具體文物。至於撰寫並出版《臺中文學史》專書之準備,本案透過專家諮詢,並參考審查委員之意見,調整、修正撰寫方向,進而擬妥全書章節大綱,未來將秉持深入淺出之撰寫原則,著重可親性,以掌握臺中文學史之發展脈絡,並彰顯臺中文學之特色作為撰寫主軸。最後,關於臺中文學館之展示建議。本團隊經過數個月的資料蒐集、舉辦座談會、田野調查,並定期與展示空間設計團隊舉行工作協調會議,陸續提供各類學術資訊與珍貴資料,據以作為臺中文學館展示內容、文創商品之建議。 另外,本案在執行過程中共舉行四場座談會,並進行作家或其後代家屬之深度訪談,集結成豐富的訪談與座談會資料。關於四場座談會,先後邀請資深、新世代作家各5人,及10位學者與文史工作者,針對作家創作經驗與臺中之關連,以及對臺中文學館成立後的期待與建議,廣泛進行意見諮詢與觀念交流。至於作家訪談,本案曾與17位作家或後代家屬進行深度訪談,並輔以影音記錄,藉以系統性的建構臺中作家群像,亦為開館後臺中文學史料與作家手稿之徵集與展示奠定基礎。以上兩大類成果,除彙整成冊以提供有關單位參考之外,未來並計畫出版專書,對學界或一般民眾都具有參考價值。
【Abstract】 “The Commissioned Research Reports on History of Taichung Literature──Collection, Writing and Presentation of Historical Accounts of Past Events” is divided into three main parts: (1) collection and arrangement of historical data of Taichung literature (2) writing and publication of the history of Taichung literature (3) suggestion on the presentation after Taichung Literature Museum is launched. In terms of the collection of historical data of Taichung literature, we collect related books and investigate all kinds of related manuscripts to compile “Timeline of Taichung Literature History” which helps establish a solid foundation for writing the history of literature in the future. Our research group not only accumulates considerable written materials but also collects a number of manuscripts. Besides, we also collect copies of original documents and conduct extensive fieldworks at the places where they are stored so as to provide cultural or historical relics for exhibition in Taichung Literature Museum. As for the writing and publication of “History of Taichung Literature,” we adjust and revise contents of our writing through the consultation with experts and further make a draft of an outline of the whole book. In the future, we will emphasize the accessibility of the writing to master the context of the development of the history of Taichung literature and manifest the characteristics of Taichung literature. Regarding suggestions on exhibitions in Taichung Literature Museum, we will continue to provide various academic achievements and valuable data by collecting archives, holding symposiums, doing field researches and meeting with the group who design the exhibition hall. With all the research result in hand, we provide suggestions on how to present and market cultural creative products in Taichung Literature Museum. In addition, we held four symposiums when conducting this program by doing in-depth interviews with writers or their family members in order to accumulate abundant data. In the four symposiums, we invited 5 senior writers, 5 writers in the new generation and 10 scholars to talk about their experiences of writing in relation to Taichung, their expectation and suggestions on Taichung Literature Museum. As for the interviews with writers, we had finished in-depth interviews with 17 writers or their family members, and recorded the interviews, which will help us establish a foundation for the collection and presentation of historical data and manuscripts in Taichung Literature Museum. We plan not only to put the above two research achievements together as a reference for related organizations but to publish books both for academia and the general public. |