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年度 103
業務類別 都市發展
委託機關 都市發展局
研究單位 惇陽工程顧問有限公司
研究主持人 高立新
計畫摘要 中文摘要:


Taichung City Waterfront Flood Prevention Planning aims to investigate the land use strategy of urban waterfronts of Taichung City with high flood potential in the era of climate change. Using Urban Planning Areas where river runs through as the scope for data collection and analysis, the project provides preventive measures that protect the right to dwell and the goal of sustainable development for both the Taiwan High Speed Rail Station gateway area and the expansion of the Dali Urban Planning Area. The demonstrative model simulates different basic scenarios of flood prevention of “zero growth,” “flood retention,” and “zero carbon emission.” The project then evaluates the flood prevention performances of each strategy scenario under the goal of reliving flood volumes in flood season and proposes strategies in respond to current regulation and policy.
Land Use Planning Strategy
1.Adjust the zoning of under-utilized spaces and Industrial and Agricultural Zones.
2.Regulates proportions of credit, elevation management on the level of Land Use Regulation Measures.
3.Set up multi-use zones in public facilities to increase flood retention volume.
4.Increase pervious surfaces and green-covered areas of the city.
5.Introduce rain-water collection and retention facilities on the level of building management
Suggested Adjustments in Regulation and Policy
1.Set up flood-alleviation and flood-retention zoning of small scales in Taichung City according to the new Regional Plan and enforce multiple-layer regulation.
2.Survey current land use areas of sensitive environment in order to the proposed facilitate flood-alleviation and flood-retention zones.
3.Set up Taichung City Flood-Sensitive Land Use Area Plan Regulations.
4.Focuses on the operative mechanism in response to the national regional plan guidelines in order to participate the planning of Watershed Special Districts.


  • 市府分類: 一般行政
  • 最後異動日期: 2019-04-19
  • 發布日期: 2014-05-01
  • 發布單位: 臺中市政府研究發展考核委員會
  • 點閱次數: 843