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年度 105
業務類別 客家事務
委託機關 霧峰區公所
研究單位 朝陽科技大學
研究主持人 許國威
計畫摘要 【摘要】
一、 找出霧峰獨特客家生活環境重要資源。
二、 提出霧峰客家文化村落短中長程發展策略。
三、 規劃三處具潛力與可行性的客家生活示範營造點。
四、 強化在地居民對於客家文化生活環境營造的參與以及認同感。
Hakka Affairs Council has been subsidized local government to execute projects of comprehensive planning for Hakka community. The purposes of these projects are to preserve the Hakka living environments, to empower characteristics of Hakka culture heritage, and to encourage of resident’s participation for community development. Wufeng District is an area rich in cultural resources which also occupies an important position for Hakka immigration history and culture of Taiwan. The major goals of this study are to implement construction of a Hakka culture database in Wufeng District, strategies of Hakka space conservation and development, and three demonstrations of Hakka culture living environment planning.
The methods employed in this study are literature review, field study, and interviewing local elders and those involved in cultural and historical works. This study offers recommendations on comprehensive planning of spaces of Hakka community, which could serve as a model for policy of Hakka cultural environment empowerment. The main achievements of this study are:


  • 市府分類: 一般行政
  • 最後異動日期: 2019-04-19
  • 發布日期: 2017-01-23
  • 發布單位: 臺中市政府研究發展考核委員會
  • 點閱次數: 992