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年度 104
業務類別 衛生福利勞動
委託機關 社會局
研究單位 國立臺中教育大學
研究主持人 林雅容、吳佩芳
計畫摘要 【摘要】 臺中市自辦理早期療育服務至今,對於早期療育健康照顧體系(包括通報中心與社區資源中心)服務執行的成效評估,較為偏著實務供給層面與政策面的改善為主,尚未對服務提供者及服務使用者進行全面性的討論。本研究關注兒童發展通報中心及社區資源中心之服務概況及服務使用者的感受。本研究目的有四:
1. 檢視及探討2011-2014年臺中市兒童發展通報中心服務使用者接受服務狀況及服務滿意度。
2. 檢視及探討2011-2014年臺中市1-6區兒童發展社區資源中心服務使用者接受服務狀況及服務滿意度。
3. 評估兒童發展通報中心及兒童發展社區資源中心服務輸出狀況。
4. 針對研究發現,提出具體建議,以供本局未來規劃完善早期療育服務方案。
【Abstract】 This study focused on the service delivery about early intervention notification and referral center and community resource centers for children with developmental delay and explored the perception of service utilization. Four purposes of this study were as following below: 1, to discover service situation and satisfaction about the notification and referral center. And resource network in the field of social welfare, education and medicine were as research subjects. 2, to illustrate service utilization and satisfaction about community resource centers, zone 1 to 6. And families of children with developmental delays/ disabilities were as research subjects. 3, to evaluate the service delivery of the notification and referral center and community resource centers, zone 1 to 6. And governmental reporting was adopted as documentary data. 4, to offer suggestions about clinic works and service planning for Taichung City Government to map the early intervention program for children with developmental delays or disabilities.
The quantitative and qualitative data were collected by document analysis, questionnaire survey and focus group interview. There were two main results in this study.
Service overview of the children's early intervention notification and referral center. The population under the age of 6 and the reporting case-load were closely related in each administrative distraction, but the proportion of reporting case-load getting into the case management system was still not as expected. Meanwhile, lots of resource network had never used services from the reporting center. Over 70% resource network, who had used services from the reporting center, thought highly of service satisfaction. And social workers agreed that they should paid attention on public enlightenment and assisted the involuntary families who had children with developmental delays.
Service overview of community resource centers for children with developmental delay, zone 1 to 6. These centers offered multiple services for families and their communities. The characteristics of families in these six centers were quite different, such as socio-economic status and family types. Therefore, services, offered by social workers, should be reflected these special features. All government institutions should made sure reasonable service contents of community resource centers and created the cooperative platform for all professionals. This study also found out that service effectiveness contributed to family resources, and the main factors related to family resources were nationality of caregivers, family economy, educational status of caregivers, birth order of children.


  • 市府分類: 一般行政
  • 最後異動日期: 2019-04-19
  • 發布日期: 2016-06-02
  • 發布單位: 臺中市政府研究發展考核委員會
  • 點閱次數: 662