【中文摘要】 本調查計畫案的目的在探討當前臺中市寵物遺體處理產業市場的發展概況及此產業潛在性消費市場的規模,作為了解飼主對寵物生命關懷產業的需求、該新興服務產業市場的供給及發展現況。另外,以文獻資料來敘述台灣寵物殯葬產業管理在體制上的演變、台灣寵物殯葬產業的發展及寵物殯葬的需求。以問卷進行500位台中市寵物飼主對寵物死亡後的殯葬需求資料收集並進行調查分析。問卷內容包括飼主飼養時間、寵物死亡經驗、如何處理寵物屍體? 委託處理寵物屍體業者對象、考慮保留寵物的骨灰? 保留寵物骨灰的方式? 不得將動物屍體任意丟棄、應該規範寵物殯葬業者哪些部分? 寵物死亡處理業者的合適稱呼、臺中市政府可提供哪些動物殯葬服務等議題。經調查69%寵物飼主有死亡經驗,其中只有49%係交由業者處理,委託動物醫院及寵物殯葬業者各有56%及44%,另有57%的飼主會保留寵物骨灰,71%的飼主主張樹葬或灑葬方式,55%民眾知悉臺中市動物屍體處理自治條例,高達9成的民眾贊同對寵物殯葬業者進行規範,規範的內容包括設置標準、收費標準、動物屍體處理流程、火化爐環保監控、從業人員水準、環保意識及查核評鑑等,並協助臺中市政府完成擬訂「臺中市特定寵物殯葬業管理辦法」及「臺中市動物屍體處理自治條例」二草案。
【Abstract】 The purposes of this project includs investigating the scale of industrial development about pets funeral service in Taichung city and the potential scale of the consumer markets, as to understand the demand of animal life- care industry for pet owners and to understand the supplies and the developments of the new pet-service industries. To study the developments of the pet funeral industries management rules and supply analysis of the demands of animal owners with the overview of the references in Taiwan. To investigate and collect the needs of 500 pet ownerships who fill out the questionnaires about pet-funeral services when pets expired in Taichung city. The pet ownership’s questionnaire contents included whole life time of pet, the death experience of pets, the treatments of the pet bodies, the objects of pet’s corpses treatment , whether retaining ashes of the dead, reservation methods of pet’s ashe, not to dumpd the dead animals, which rules of the pet funeral industry management,the business appellation of the pet funeral industry, and the pet funeral services provided by Taichung City Government somehow. The ownerships of household dogs have the death experience of pets in percentage is 60%, the rate of dog ownwrships who have properly treated their pet bodies is 49(56%in animal hospital and 44%in pet funeral shop), the rate of dog ownwrships who retaining ashes of the dead is 57%, the rate of dog ownwrships who support to bury their pet’s bodies under the tree is 71%, the rate of dog ownwrships who knew “Animal Treatment Act ” in Taichung is 55%, and the rate of dog ownwrships who support to take business administration of pet funeral industries is over 90%.The study also supply “Animal Treatment Act” and “Rules of Business Administration of Pet Funeral Industries’. |