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年度 103
業務類別 衛生福利勞動
委託機關 勞工局
研究單位 東海大學
研究主持人 吳秀照
計畫摘要 【中文摘要】
為達到以上目標並根據委託單位契約要求, 本研究在八個月期程內(2014.4-2014.11),透過電話訪談獲得1,068 份婦女訪談有效問卷、以郵寄問卷及電話訪談雙軌並行獲得1,070 份事業單位有效問卷,並自8 月到11 月期間,陸續完成四場焦點團體座談(包括待業婦女、在職婦女、專業服務人員、事業單位)及11 個深度訪談(包括政府官員、專家學者、大型事業單位人資主管及相關民間機構主管等)。調查資料經過整理分析,呈現於第四與第五章;焦點團點及個別訪談的分析,則撰寫於第六至第八章。根據調查與質性分析結果,本研究結論的部分將分成:一、婦女勞動參與狀況(包括中斷工作情形、在職婦女之就業與工作場所友善職場提供情形、待業婦女之重返職場與尋職狀況以及希望政府提供之就業協助);二、事業單位僱用女性勞動力狀況(包括不同產業人力僱用狀況、僱用女性員工優勢與困擾、友善職場措施、事業單位對促進婦女就業的看法)三、婦女與事業單位對於托育的觀點以及對於托育的需求;四、婦女與事業單位對於老人照顧的觀點與需求。

The main purpose of this study was to explore and understand women's labor force participation and employment profiles of Taichung City, Taiwan. The interaction of women’s family responsibilities and their career development, the support of workplace friendly measures, and their needs of child care and elderly care were also examined.Another survey for understanding companies’ strategies of searching and employing women workers and their support measures for helping employees to balance work and family was also conducted during the research period.In only eight months of the study period (2014.4-2014.11), this research obtained data through telephone interviews and collected 1,068valid questionnaires from women interviewees. For the companies and workplaces, this research used mailing questionnaires and telephone interviews and obtained 1,070 valid questionnaires. During the period of August to November, 2014, we also conducted four focus group discussions (including unemployed women, working women, professionals in employment services and vocational training, and representatives from private companies) and 11 in-depth interviews (including government officials, experts and scholars, the chief of human resource of large institutions and the directors of non-profit organizations ). The results of quantitative data of women’s labor force participation and the interaction of women’s work and family responsibilities are illustrated in Chapter 4. The analysis of companies and workplaces’ questionnaires and the findings are showed in Chapter 5. The qualitative data analysis and findings of women's focus groups and the representatives of companies are demonstrated in Chapter 6 and 7,respectively. The interaction of women’s labor force participation behavior and their family responsibilities, their needs of child care and elderly care is demonstrated in Chapter 8. Finally, conclusions, policy implications and recommendations of this study are written in Chapter 9.


  • 市府分類: 一般行政
  • 最後異動日期: 2019-04-19
  • 發布日期: 2015-03-13
  • 發布單位: 臺中市政府研究發展考核委員會
  • 點閱次數: 1227