中文摘要: 臺中市勞工及事業單位進修管道之資源豐沛,相對產生資源是否重疊抑或會相互抵觸,以及是否充分發揮效益,讓勞工能有效參與學習,以提升職場競爭力等問題。因此,本計畫有三大目標,第一是針對臺中市勞工及事業單位了解運用進修管道之差異,二是了解臺中市事業單位對員工進修協助態度與做法,最後是了解政府部門間推動之進修管道與臺中市勞工大學之差別,並提出臺中市勞工大學如何發揮優勢並改善劣勢之具體策略,以及如何形塑臺中市勞工學習環境。本計畫研究之執行包括問卷調查337份,其中勞工問卷調查231位,事業單位106家、並舉行產、官、學團體座談會2場、意見領袖訪談10位。 針對上述訪談與問卷之SPSS分析資料,進行彙整、歸納、分析,進而提出建議。本計畫研究歸納結果,結論如下:臺中市勞工大學之優勢為企業員工專班及行政手續便利,劣勢為師資授課費用及勞工學費補助經費比例較少。 未來開設課程方面建議企業員工專班之課程設計更加彈性及多元化;配合發展未來臺中市的產業特色;最後是提供線上課程學習機制。定位方面建議將臺中市勞工大學定位為勞工人力資源的促進平台,並且強化勞工大學之學分認證及證照獎勵等。
Abstract: The training pipeline resources for labors in Taichung City and other institutions are abundant. Hence, these resources are relatively overlapping or conflicting. Whether the training resources of the Taichung City Labor College can be fully delivered to right target or not, become an important issue. Therefore, this project has three main objectives, the first is to understand the difference between training pipeline for labors in Taichung City and other institutions, the second is to understand the attitudes and practices of learning institutions in Taichung City in order to assist staff training, finally, to understand the difference of training education pipeline for labors between Taichung City Labor College and other government units. On the basis of the objectives mentioned above, This project aims to investigate the differences of learning pipeline for labors between Taichung City Labor College and other government institution, in order to propose Taichung City Labor College how to take advantage and improve the weaknesses, and how to shape the labors learning environment in Taichung City for the future strategies. This project includes the implementation of research surveys have 337 copies, of which 231 copies for labors questionnaires and 106 for institutions. This project also held two forums that the participants including scholars, expert in industry and government, and interviewed with 10 opinion leaders. collect the essentials and useful data. fter collecting questionnaires, the SPSS was used for data analysis of questionnaires, and then, associated with the analysis of opinions about the participants including scholars, expert, opinion leaders, this research makes the recommendations of strategies. The results of this research showed that providing special classes for enterprises and the Convenience of administrative procedures are the advantages of Taichung City Labor College in comparison to other learning pipelines. On the contrary, the tuition fees and labor subsidy funding are its disadvantages. This research also provided one suggestions for the positioning and strategies of Taichung City Labor College in the future, which including special class for enterprises, the design of class can be more flexible and diversified the classes should be more correspondence to the development of industry policy in Taichung, strengthening credit certification and licenses, and to provide mechanism of online courses, etc.. Finally, this research suggested that Taichung City Labor College can be positioned as a platform for promoting human resources of labors. |