中文摘要: 生態補償機制是指通過對損害(或保護)資源環境的行為進行收費(或補償)。生態補償機制是對自然資源的生態環境價值所進行的補償。本研究係依據台中市都市發展局101年「中臺區域發展推動委員會總顧問團隊及整體發展策略規劃執行計畫」案,有關成立臺中市城鄉及建築法學中心與執行計畫之後續推動,並針對「生態補償法制化之先期研究」議題委託研究。透過比較美國、荷蘭以及香港之制度,並且結合歐盟「生態系暨生物多樣性經濟倡議」 (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity)研究計畫之建議方向,整合中央及地方法令及分析縣市合併後台中市現行實務作業進行議題研究,並舉辦座談會等方式,結合理論與實務,分析生態補償執行機制與相關配套之規範,因時制宜的生態補償制度調整,俾利政府未來生態補償執行政策相關事務之研擬。
Abstract: Ecological compensation mechanism is reducing the damage of resources by charging the fees (or compensation). Ecological compensation mechanism conducts for the ecological environment value of natural resources to compensate. This research is based on 101th year of Taichung City Urban Development Bureau proposal “Regional Development Promotion Committee General Counsel teams and overall development strategy and planning of implementation in middle of Taiwan.” This research compared the systems of United States, the Netherlands and Hong Kong, and combined with the EU research plan “The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity” This research integrated central and local laws, and then we discussed the practice operations after the merger of Taichung. We Held a symposium, and analyzed the ecological compensation mechanism and the implementation of the norms. |