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年度 102
業務類別 都市發展
委託機關 都市發展局
研究單位 雲林科技大學
研究主持人 楊智傑
計畫摘要 中文摘要:

Given the large number of illegal buildings, removal of even less than the annual rate of increase of new illegal construction, through this research project, collect relevant policies and regulations of the central or local government, the reference to the doctrine, practice insights, research relevant central or municipal government "to promote illegal buildings penalty on behalf of the demolition of "issue, analyze the current policy of the Act in accordance with applicable law and the manner and research suggestions.
Report gather relevant regulations prevailing autonomous municipalities dealt with illegal construction, illegal processing of Taichung City legal analysis. Reference to central policy direction and draft amendments to the Building Act, as well as China, Hong Kong, the United States related to the rule of law, deliberation, Taichung, taken by themselves confer demolition of illegally built obligations of consecutive free throws appropriate manner, and through the development of autonomous regulations to promote this policy the validity. Another way of other management discussion of illegal buildings in order to promote the development of Taichung City as "Taichung City to promote a penalty on behalf of illegal buildings demolished" the proposed reference to the relevant laws and regulations.


  • 市府分類: 一般行政
  • 最後異動日期: 2019-04-19
  • 發布日期: 2014-02-10
  • 發布單位: 臺中市政府研究發展考核委員會
  • 點閱次數: 781